Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today was the first day of classes. I woke up really early and with a stomach ache because I was so nervous not only my class with Chileans but getting there and back. So I decided to leave at 8 even though my class didn't start until 10:05. I had no problem getting to the campus, in fact I was an hour and a half early. So I sat on a bench for that time trying to look as little Gringa as I could which was impossible. So finally at 10:05 my class started. Class went well I like my professor and even though I couldn't understand everything I think I'm going to like this class. Okay and then after that class I had another class on another campus that starts 10 minutes after this class ends. So as soon as I was done this class I frantically ran out the door and tried to find some form of transportation to my next class. After walking around for 20 minutes I finally find a collectivo that will take me where I need to go. Once I arrived at the second campus I couldn't find my class so I asked a Chilean to help me. Finally I get to my classroom only to find out this class doesn't start until next week..... Great! Well at least I know where this class is now. Then when I got home I dropped my phone in the toilet which is something I do often at home too. So now I'm phone less. Looks like going to class is giving me something to write about. This afternoon I have 3 more classes and the last one goes until 6:30. Wish me luck!

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